Creating Her Happy Life: Meet Colleen!

When Colleen moved into a place of her own for the very first time, she was more prepared than many young adults who reach this milestone. From carefully saving her receipts and recording what she spends in her personal ledger to mastering the use of public transportation, Colleen has been working on multiple skill sets to prepare her for this day.

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Top 5 Websites that Highlight Apps for People with I/DD

In celebration of March as Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, today on our blog we want to share some of the best resources we’ve found as we seek to empower our clients with technology. Here, in no particular order, are SimplyHome’s top 5 websites that highlight awesome apps for people with developmental or intellectual disabilities.

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What Is a Medicaid Waiver, Anyway?

Puzzled by Medicaid waivers? We totally get it. Every day at SimplyHome we work with clients who are navigating the complex world of Medicaid and reimbursement for services. It can get complicated!

Today on our blog, we are featuring a new infographic that gives a basic introduction to Medicaid waivers. There are some great links, too!

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Special Needs Parenting Podcast Features SimplyHome

SimplyHome’s Jason Ray was the featured guest on a recent episode of LOMAH, a podcast started by Tom and Kim Albrecht, who are raising two daughters, one of whom has an intellectual/developmental disability. As their daughter grows into adulthood, they are gathering and sharing wisdom on parenting children with disabilities.

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Intro to Enabling Technology: A Webinar for Alaska and Other States

A great introduction for anyone wanting to learn more about enabling technology. Takeaways from this insightful discussion include: real-life testimonials and success stories; shifting your focus onto outcomes, rather than gadgets; important industry terms like “dignity of risk” and “enabling technology”; insight into how technology and staff supports work together; how the SimplyHome process works.

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Top 5 Reasons Voice-First Will Change the Future of Enabling Tech

In the last five years, especially with the arrival of the Amazon Echo in 2014, it has become increasingly obvious that Voice-First technology is going to change enabling technology completely. These speech-enabled interactions, designed for delivery through voice assistant software and voice-activated devices, have already begun to revolutionize care for people who are aging in place or living with disabilities.

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3 Ways to Fund Assistive Technology in North Carolina

We hope that a lack of funding for assistive technology never hinders people with developmental disabilities from leading full and independent lives in the community. The reality, of course, is that funding for people with disabilities can be very limited, and enabling technology can become an afterthought. What you may not know: You may have a right to assistive technology. When assistive technology is necessary for a person with a disability to be able to learn, live, have independence, or have a job, certain public programs may pay for that AT. Today on the blog, we feature three of those assistive technology programs here in our home state of North Carolina.

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