North Carolina Implements New Innovations Waiver Under Medicaid that Includes up to $15,000 for SimplyHome Technology

Asheville, N.C. September 2012
North Carolina has decided to implement the Innovations Waiver that has replaced the CAP MR-DD Waiver. NC Innovations is a Home and Community Based Waiver program for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, or closely related conditions, regardless of age.
The Innovations Waiver now defines a category for Assistive Technology and allots up to $15,000 to a qualifying individual for assistive technology equipment, inclusive of SimplyHome technology. Service and recurring fees are also included in the waiver.
“Much like SimplyHome’s mission, the goal of the waiver is to provide services that allow individuals to learn and maintain skills that promote more independence and community activity,” says Allen Ray, SimplyHome CEO.
Individuals who are currently on CAP MR-DD automatically transfer to Innovations. The Innovations Waiver, Section 1915(c), defines a set of waivers called Home and Community-Based Services. This section provides the Secretary the authority to waive Medicaid provisions in order to allow long-term institutional care services to be delivered in community settings.
“We are so pleased that individuals in North Carolina receiving Medicaid now have the option to use Assistive Technology to enhance greater independence,” says Ray.
Under the previous CAP Waiver, technology funding was much more limited. NC Innovations now includes several Assistive Technology system options. SimplyHome not only offers a Personal Emergency Response System, but also a more sophisticated monitoring system called the SimplyHome System.
The SimplyHome System uses multiple sensors to communicate and log activities of daily living and then alert caregivers or loved ones of changes in behavioral patterns. Alerts are designed to notify caregivers and /or loved ones of pre-determined activities, or inactivity, within the home, all of which are customized to address individual needs.
Components like motion sensors, door/window contacts, and bed pressure pads address issues including falls, wandering, and sleep patterns. The SimplyHome System can also monitor wellness priorities ranging from blood pressure and glucose levels, to weight and medication management.