10 Ways Technology Could Change Aging

The Huffington Post has put out a list of ways technology is changing how we age and we could not agree more. From online medical records to LED lights showing up everywhere, we agree that technology is making it easier for people to age. Along with Skyping your doctor and having online medical records, SimplyHome believes that technology can give you a renewed sense of freedom as you age in place. Take a look at the 10 Ways Technology Could Change Aging and keep in mind that the SimplyHome System might should be number 11!
10 Ways Technology Could Change Aging In The Next 10 Years
By Ann Brenoff
Technology is changing everything, including how we will age and the quality of our senior years. Mobile devices, wearable gadgets, and Internet-based technologies will help older adults age in place while monitoring their health and safety. As The Huffington Post celebrates its tenth anniversary, we've decided to take a look at the 10 things we expect to see in our technological futures.
1. Talking street signs. Night driving is a real bugaboo for seniors. Our vision weakens as we age and eventually we reach the point where we don't trust our ability to find places once the sun sets. GPS systems have given us a little more confidence that we won't get lost, but what would really be terrific would be talking street signs that announce themselves via our Bluetooth as we approach.
2. Cars that drive themselves.
We know this is just around the corner, so to speak. We'd be happy just to have cars that parallel park themselves.. Automotive technology is working towards making us all safer drivers, but for seniors, there's an even keener interest: It could easily help keep them safe on the road longer. The ability to drive, many believe, is at the core of independence. Cars of the future will be able to recognize unsafe driving conditions or when the driver isn't paying attention and make automatic adjustments to steer the vehicle away from a potential accident.
3. The doctor will see you now -- on Skype.Video-call doctors' visits have already been a boon to those who live in rural areas. Expect that the trend towards more telemedicine will continue. One day we'll be saying "Remember when we used to have to go into an office to see the doctor?" just like we now say "Remember when doctors used to make house calls?"
4. Remote patient monitoring. Patients can already check their glucose levels and download the results to their doctors. Watch for the expansion of point-of-care monitoring devices, such as weight scales, heart and blood pressure monitors that send your readings directly to the doctor. In many cases, these devices obviate the need to visit the doctor's office. Many of the routine services that doctors traditionally have provided in their office are changing. Pharmacies already offer a lower cost way of getting your blood pressure checked and your annual flu shot. Not going to see the doctor also means no co-pays.
Take a look at the last 6 ways technology is changing the way we age here.