By using sensor-based technology to monitor sleeping and waking patterns, caregivers can gain insight into nighttime routines and proactively address sleep issues. Using the data collected by our remote support system, individuals and caregivers can address unsafe situations and behaviors related to sleeping, waking, and wandering at night.

Who can benefit?

  • Individuals who may be at risk for falling or wandering during night hours

  • Individuals who are aging in place or have dementia or Alzheimer's

  • People who might be engaging in unsafe or unhealthy behaviors at night (chronic overeating, wandering, accessing unsafe areas of the home, destructive behaviors)

  • Residential service providers who are seeking to optimize nighttime staffing patterns and client safety

  • Anyone who has incontinence issues during the night

What results can we expect?

  • Insight into sleep routines and movement in the home without the loss of privacy

  • Proactive rather than reactive caregiver response to wandering and elopement

  • Reduction of onsite staffing for “just in case” situations such as during night hours

What technology can help?

  • A SimplyHome System, including components such as:

    • Door/window sensors (to sense entrance and exit)

    • Bed and chair pressure pads (to look for movement and sleep patterns)

    • Motion sensors (to monitor motion related to sleep issues)

What types of alerts can be sent?

Here are some sample situations in which staff, family members, and/or the individuals themselves can receive alerts:

  • When a door or window is opened

  • When someone gets off the bed pad at any time or within a specific time frame

  • When an individual does not get off the bed pressure pad by a specific time, within a specific time frame, or on select days

  • When an individual triggers a motion sensor in the home

  • When an individual gets up from a bed/chair pressure pad and does not return within a selected time frame

  • When an individual gets out of bed and there is no other sensor activated in the home for a set amount of time

Maria’s Story

Maria was capable of living on her own but family and staff were concerned about her sleeplessness at night. When she can’t fall asleep, she wanders around the home and does not return to bed. Her family's primary concern was that a lack of sleep was leading to negative behavioral outcomes.

To address this concern, a bed pressure pad and motion sensors are used to detect when Maria gets out of bed. If she has not returned to bed within a given period of time, caregivers or family are alerted to call and check on her. They also use the data logged by the sensors to detect patterns in sleep behavior. Understanding these patterns enables them to be more proactive with care management and finding natural supports for Maria's sleep routines.

An image of a bed, a bedside table and lamp, with a window