Creating Sustainable Change, Now and in the Future

Over the last week, our team at SimplyHome has been engaged in thoughtful dialogue concerning the systemic issues challenging our local and global communities - racism and the violence that results from discrimination and marginalization. Before speaking publicly, we wanted to take the critical step to listen, become more educated, and to find ways that we can actively fight for sustainable change. Through this ongoing process and by reflecting on our company values, it is clear that if we're truly about empowerment and integrity, then we're obligated to take a stand and to act, now and in the future. 

Our first step in acting is to support those on the front lines in the battle against injustice and oppression, both in our local Western North Carolina community and nationally. Thus, today we are donating financial support for Black Lives Matter, The ACLU, The Equal Justice Initiative, and The Umoja Health, Wellness and Justice Collective. We encourage you to learn more about their important work and donate if you’re able. 

We also know that we can’t stop here if we want to be a part of solving systemic racism for good.  Through the forming of a new internal team focused on equity and social accountability, we are committed to listen to, learn from and advocate for those who have been discriminated against and marginalized for far too long. We invite all of you to stand with us to do better, to require more, and to help create the change that is so desperately needed. Together we can work toward a future that is more equitable than our past.
