Better Business Bureau warns about scams for seniors

With parents or loved ones aging, there is a lot to think about. How much longer will they be able to live on their own? Do we/they have the means to sustain themselves living where they are? Are they safe at home? These are just a few of the things caregivers worry about, among others.  The Better Business Bureau recently published a piece about elders being scammed. The BBB continues to get calls about seniors receiving unsolicited calls requesting personal information including Medicare/Medicaid or Social Security information.

Seniors are likely to be receiving these calls because they are more vulnerable and  likely having memories that are not as sharp as they once were, making them perfect candidates for scammers.

Take a look at what Sharane Gott has to say about being aware of Medicare/Medicaid scams.


Better Business Bureau warns elderly to beware Medicare/Medicaid scams


Better Business Bureau is alerting elderly and disabled individuals to beware of unsolicited phone calls from unscrupulous people looking to obtain Medicare or Medicaid information.

In the last few weeks, BBB has received numerous phone calls from residents reporting they received phone calls, supposedly from federal agencies, medic alert businesses or medical supply companies working with the government.

These people are asking for personal information such as Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, credit card or bank account numbers in order to provide free services such as medic alert alarms, back braces, and other products that assist the elderly and infirm and are paid for by Medicare and Medicaid.

Elderly consumers may be given any number of excuses to provide this information. Reasons used to further the scam include:

  • The resident is part of a corporate or government survey
  • They are eligible to receive free products if they give the information
  • They must provide the information to sign up for a new prescription drug plan.
  • Residents are eligible for a free medic alert service if they provide the information.

Some scammers also claim that they are from the government and are calling to update information or confirming Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security numbers in order to issue a new card.

Read the rest of the article here