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What is "Aging in Place?"

What is "Aging in Place" and How Can You Use Technology?

"Aging in Place" is one of those terms we use often here at SimplyHome. Our goal, with the use of technology, is to allow individuals to live in their own home for as long as possible while still giving their family peace of mind. We always love hearing stories from our customers about how they were "running out of options to support their parents at home," until they tried technology in the home. SimplyHome's President, Allen Ray, along with several others here in the SimplyHome office, are CAPS (Certified Aging in Place Specialist) certified. This allows our team to conduct the best assessment possible for and individual and then recommend the supports we see fit, sometimes that means technology and sometimes it doesn't.  We invite you to learn more at

Aging in place (aka 'age in place') is the ability to live in one's own home - wherever that might be - for as long as confidently and comfortably possible. Livability can be extended through the incorporation of universal design principles, telecare and other assistive technologies. Assistive technologies include communications, health and wellness monitoring, home safety and security.

CAPS (Certified Aging in Place Specialist) is accreditation earned through the National Association of Home Builders.  In three days of coursework, the CAPS curriculum incorporates a variety of information tailored to aging-in-place home modifications, including: background on the older adult population; communication techniques; common aging-in-place remodeling projects; marketing to the aging-in-place market; common barriers and solutions; codes and standards; product ideas and resources; and business management.

There are excellent resources available to baby boomers, here are a couple: and

Mature Living Special Section: Aging in place: Staying in your own home

Published on Thu, Jul 14, 2011 by Bonnie Rabatin Certified Aging In Place Designer
Perhaps the simplest way to look at the aging in place movement is by looking to the future. Whether you’re building, buying or remodeling, you might want to consider a few simple options that could make your life easier down the road:

• Create a main floor entrance without steps or with the space to build a ramp.

• Have your bedroom and full bath on the main floor.

• Install wider interior and entry doorways – 34-inch minimum width for strollers and wheelchairs.

• Replace doorknobs with lever handles.

• Add a raised toilet seat or higher toilet for easier access with limited mobility.

• Replace bathtub with shower that doesn’t require a step down.

• Add grab bars around toilets, tubs and showers for stability.

• Add handheld shower heads for easy washing.

• Install front-loading washers and dryers that can be raised if needed.

• Install electrical outlets and switches that can be reached from a seated position.

• Install sinks with open spaces below that allow use while sitting.

• Install kitchen counters at varying heights for use while sitting or standing.

Designing rooms that suit the needs of all users throughout their lives is the purpose of universal design.

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When remodeling, consider Aging in Place features

Few of us embrace the idea of getting older.

But a vanguard in the contracting, real estate and design industries is focused on bringing attention to the need for good design for Atlanta’s aging population and the greater number of people who want to stay in their homes instead of moving to assisted living.

The Atlanta Regional Commission reports that by 2015, Atlanta’s older adult population will have doubled. By 2030, one out of every five residents will be over the age of 60. With the housing slump meaning more and more homeowners are deciding to make their present home their “forever” residence, a cottage industry has arisen of contractors who can help them adapt their homes to their changing needs.

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