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Using Assistive Technology in New York

How does assistive technology benefit individuals and providers?   

SimplyHome is addressing the question this week at the South Dakota 2016 Creating Possibilities Conference: Inspiring Creative Minds.  Joining SimplyHome is a New York-based provider we serve, Innovative Resources for Independence (IRI).

IRI is one of 18 providers in NY already utilizing SimplyHome technology to support independence.  IRI opened their first supportive apartment in Brooklyn in 2012.  Today, close to 20% of their home residents are living in apartments. With use of the latest technology, staff is immediately alerted to any unusual activity, such as if a front door is left open in the middle of the night, or a stove is left on unattended.

This video demonstrates how SimplyHome technology has helped individuals at IRI live independently.


Other New York-Based Programs

Wildwood Programs, also located in NY, has transitioned 16 people over the last four years to more independent living settings. On average each year, they have seen $39,000 savings per person. Annually, that is $624,000 in savings for 16 individuals.  By adding assistive technology where applicable, they have already begun expanding the savings and independence.

United Cerebral Palsy of New York City, Inc. (UCP of NYC) are using staff at one location 21 hours per week, versus 24/7, saving them at least $3,000 per month.

Ability Beyond is seeing significant savings  - Their Clapboard program (serving eight individuals), is saving $3.99 for every $1 spent in their first year of using technology. After the first year, they are saving $11.23.  The overall savings after the first year is approximately $8,752.  

Their Liberty program (serving four individuals), is saving $9.05 for every $1 spent in the first year of using technology.  After the first year, they are saving $82.05 for every $1 spent. The below chart demonstrates their overall savings.


Who is using the technology?

Jane is 57 years old and lives in a supportive apartment since February 2013.  Each day she demonstrates that she needs minimal supervision.  When she is not working, Jane enjoys cooking and spending time at church.

Thomas longed for and even demanded an apartment of his own.  With some very simple supports for front door activity, cooking safety and medication supports, he has made a remarkable transition to his apartment that he shares with a roommate.

George has a history of unstable blood pressure. To help him monitor his health, a Telehealth blood pressure cuff (which he operates himself), communicates readings to the nurse immediately if the readings are out of a specified range. The nurse can then analyze trends.