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Breaking Down Barriers

Establishing independence in the community for developmentally disabled adults is long overdue. For many, the process is just beginning, and for many others, the idea of independence is still little more than a distant dream. When an individual succeeds, no matter how long or difficult the process may be, it is worth it. A short conversation will easily reveal how gratifying independence and success are to the developmentally disabled. As funding cuts loom and threaten to cripple the industry providing supports for these individuals, establishing independence becomes ever more important. The San Francisco Chronicle recently explored the costs associated with supporting developmentally disabled individuals in their quest for independence. In this article, the cost of the supports provided is compared with the savings generated when an individual is able to succeed professionally. Likewise, these same cost savings can be seen when an individual is able to live in his or her own home with greatly reduced direct care needs. The SimplyHome system has been helping developmentally disabled adults achieve that personal independence which at one time may have seemed unattainable.

To learn more about how this technology is helping establish independence for the developmentally disabled across the country, go to the SimplyHome website.