Environmental Controls FAQ

What capabilities does your Environmental Controls system have?

Our system can be customized for opening doors, working with video door bells, locking/unlocking door locks, turning lights on/off, controlling ceiling fans, managing HVAC / thermostats, and connecting to cameras, blinds, and AV equipment.

Are all of the Environmental Control items wireless?

It depends on the product. We provide a wired and wireless solution for most of our products, but wiring is required for some products. The primary environmental control solution that requires wiring is the control of overhead lights.

How is an Environmental Controls system installed in my home?

SimplyHome environmental controls must be installed by a technician who is vetted and approved by SimplyHome. The duration and cost of installation depends on the type of environmental control solution provided and the type of user interface provided, whether through a tablet or another device. Once installed, the technology we utilize is unobtrusive and requires minimal maintenance.

Do I have to purchase a new tablet to use with Environmental Controls?

In many cases, you can use a tablet that you already own. Our environmental control solutions work on Android, Apple iOS, and Windows tablets. However, recent versions of these devices are required and we cannot guarantee compatibility.

Can the Environmental Controls be paired to work with my security system?

No, we do not pair clients' security systems to work with environmental controls.

Tapping an icon on a tablet is difficult for me. Do you have any solutions?

We have implemented adaptive switches, voice control and the ability to customize user interface on a tablet to create larger buttons for those with limited dexterity or mobility.

For more questions about our EC systems, go to the Environmental Controls product page.

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